Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Psst! Wanna Buy a Piece of History?

Now that my panic attack over stupid laws is over, we can resume business as usual. Well sort of as its only a quick post today. Bartone, Italy's second most famous design house. Is selling off its priceless collection of cars in a bid to make some money during this recession. While the name Bartone itself may not be recognizable to you, you have heard of their cars and don't realize it. The Contach and Stratos are their too most famous designs that were actually produced. Most of the cars for sale were concepts, simply design studies, never to be actually built. As a historian, it pains me to see these great cars sold off, but it truly is a sign of the times. And since only muti-millionaires will be able to afford them, they'll go to good homes. Below are two items up for sale:

First the Lancia Stratos Zero concept (check out the cockpit!):

Next, a Chevy Corvair Design Study (looks like a n E-Type Jag to me):

UPDATE: BMW has released official photos and an official story behind the M3 pickup I told you about a few days ago. It was built as a side project by the M team (nothing unusual there) and is being used by BMW motorcycle techs as a parts truck. WTF? Anyway, they are testing it to see if its worth building. That's a god sign (of course we all remember what they did to the M8 about 15 years ago....)Depending on what you read, this could go either way. Some sites say the project is a gag, and will never be built, others say there's hope, still others say its a done deal and will be on lots by 2012. Then those same three sites all change their stories. Is there any reason that BMW released the photos on April 1st? I hope not, as I cannot strees enough how this needs to be made. Anyway, below are three of the photos, and I think you'll agree, that this car is pure sex on wheels.

Love the interior, but the tailgate leaves a lot to be desired. Anyway, that's it for me today, I'm working on a great racing engines post, but it needs more research. Hollywood should be on later tonight. I'm sure we're all looking forward to that.

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