Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lunchtime Ramblings #2 - A Quickie

Hey guys, no real time to post today, even on lunch, as the world is ending around me. However, I did say I wanted to post everyday, so here I am. First, a few technical bits. Our new facebook page is up and running in "test-hack" form. All Tuned updates will now go through there. Second, I have downloaded the Blogger for Android app for my phone, and once I figure out how to use it, it'll make my life much easier. I'm also thinking of changing the name of the blog. I never much cared for "Tuned" it was a stopgap I proposed to Rebel, and it kinda stuck. Post your suggestions for a new name in comments below.

I'd like to start by apologizing for Saturday's post. I was told it was over the heads of some of you, too nuts-and-bolts. Sorry about that, but now you know how I felt. It wasn't pleasant.

 The only real bit of news is the Renault spy scandal, which is heating up again. Three high level execs were fired amid accusations of selling Renault's (and by proxy Renault-owned Nissan's) hybrid tech to the Chinese. This caused a bit of an international incident (the Chi-coms don't like being reminded they steal everything). Problem was the fired employees claimed innocence all along, and now new proof is out that they were indeed set-up. Renault has massive egg on its face (not to mention three massive lawsuits) the Chi-coms are demanding an apology and the French Prime Minister and his ridiculously ht wife have called it "a national embarrassment." Who says cars and politics don't mix? Well thats all for today, I'm gonna play around with the mobile version later, so maybe another post tonight.

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